Thursday, October 21, 2021

Briarheart by Mercedes Lackey

So, this is the first book I've managed to read in October. (I know. It's a terrible thing. The lack of reading, that is. The book is wonderful.) It came last weekend. I picked it up from the post office around noon, came home and started reading.

I didn't put it down until the end.

The end came way too soon. I'm hopeful, based solely on one scene in the book with information that as yet has gone nowhere, that there is at least one sequel planned. I would rather have a whole series.

I forced urged my older daughter to read it as soon as I finished it. A couple of days later, she started it around bedtime. (Can't just immediately do anything Mom says, right? I think it's against the pre-teen laws or something.) Pretty sure she stayed up most of the night reading it, because she was finished with it the next afternoon.

This is very much a fairy tale. It has many of the standard fairy tale trappings: princes (well, one), a princess, fairies and goblins, a dragon, knights... The whole shebang. It's very reminiscent of her 100 Kingdoms books, if you've read any of those. Fairy tales with a twist. And I can't get enough of those stories. Never could. My favorite part of the book is what's missing. This particular fairy tale has absolutely no romance. Doesn't need it. Don't miss it.

The book begins with a reasonably standard Sleeping Beauty set-up. But, Aurora is only a baby. For the entire book. This isn't actually her story. It's the story of her older sister, Miriam. And you should read it.

(I'm trying so very hard not to include any spoilers here. Which means I have to leave out so much!)

Miriam absolutely adores her new baby sister. And when the baby is threatened by an evil fairy, Miri steps in and vows to protect her sister. No matter what. 

I better stop before I say too much. Just go read it. Right now. We'll talk about how great it is when you've finished it. Deal?


Tuesday, October 19, 2021

My Reading Log- September 2021

 I spent a large portion of last month skimming cookbooks (and a few other books) without really reading them properly. There were only two that I really read enough to count. I did manage to finish two of the history books I've been in the middle of, though. I guess that counts for something... Right?

So, without further ado, I give you my very short September list:

September 2021


The Water Horse by Dick King-Smith

The Martian by Andy Weir (again. Seriously, any book that starts out with those first three sentences is a winner in my book.)

Comics/Graphic Novels:

Archie 1000 Page Comics Delight


Bad Days in History

More Bad Days in History  both by Michael Farquhar


Firefly: Big Damn Cookbook by Chelsea Monroe-Cassel

The Geeky Chef Cookbook by Cassandra Reeder

That's a grand total of only seven finished books. For the whole month! I think I'm very disappointed in myself. But I'm already several days in to the new month without a single finished book, so I'm obviously not so disappointed that I've managed to focus and get things finished. 

There's still time.