Wednesday, April 27, 2022

My Reading Log- November and December 2021

 November 2021


The $100 Startup- Chris Guillebeau


Conceal, Don't Feel- Jen Calonita


Rebel Homemaker- Drew Barrymore

December 2021


Some Things I Still Can't Tell You- Misha Collins


Valor's Choice- Tanya Huff

My Neighbor Totoro- Miyazaki & Kubo


John Quincy Adams- Robert V. Remini

And so we close out the year. Finally!

Next up: The Queenies!

Monday, April 25, 2022

My Reading Log- October 2021

 It's been a long while coming, but here is the list you've been waiting for:

October 2021


Briarheart- Mercedes Lackey

Peeps- Scott Westerfeld

Humans Wanted- Vivian Caethe

Humans Are Weird (I Have the Data)- Betty Adams


How Rich People Think- Steve Siebold

Eat That Frog- Brian Tracy

Everything is Figureoutable- Marie Forleo

Graphic Novel:

Legacy of the Fire Nation (Avatar )- Joshua Pruett

Legacy (Avatar)- Michael Teitelbaum

Fake Blood- Whitney Gardner

That's October 2021, in the bag. I'll finish out the year with the next post. And then we can kick 2021 in the tail and move on. (In a lot of ways, 2021 was worse than 2020. I'm glad it's gone and I'll be happy to forget about it...)

Sunday, April 24, 2022


 That's not a good 'wow'. Have I really not posted anything since October? I'm so sorry....

I knew I'd been away- there's been a lot to deal with lately- but I had no idea it had been that long...

Allow me to explain what I've been up to. [This is not an excuse for my absence, just a list of all the stuff I've had going on. It's still totally my bad for not posting. Since October(!). Sorry.]

It started with the job shopping. I hated my job. It was the worst and every day that I had to get out of bed to go there was worse than the day before. So, a lot of that time was spent looking for something- anything- else. And I was starting to give up all hope, too. 

Fortunately, I found a lovely new job, working with great people, doing my small bit to help people get the help they need. It's a much better situation. But it was stressful getting adjusted, learning the new job and all its little rules and regulations. (I'm still trying to get that part down, I think. I almost had it- then they added a lot of new stuff, and now I feel like I'm starting over from the beginning again. Stressful, but I'll get there. Maybe faster this time?) 

Then Christmas happened. Nothing gets done during Christmas. Except some cookies. And a tiny bit of candy. And the mandatory Christmas shopping.

Then I'm not sure exactly what happened, honestly. I blinked and it was birthday season*. With Easter thrown right in the middle of it.

A bad case of spring fever and (mostly) minor health issues for several of us brings me... here. Realizing I haven't updated the blog since October...

I didn't stop reading. It slowed down in spots, but it never stopped. So, I'm back and I'll be playing catch-up for the next week or two.  We'll finish off the year's lists and hopefully award the long-overdue Queenies before springing into the new year and playing catch-up there. 

I'll have my first catch-up post sometime tomorrow. Pinky promise.

*Birthday season officially runs from March through the end of April. Except this year. This year it will stretch on into May (at least) because I am still running behind on everything.